Katarina & EJ win their Winter Leagues!

Katarina & EJ win their Winter Leagues!

Katarina Belac best female players of Winter League in Croatia

What a start to the season it was for Wicked Wood Games Pro's sensation, Katarina! This weekend was the grand finale of the winter league, an exciting journey with twenty formidable teams vying for first place.
Katarina's team finished second in this hotly contested competition. The road to the finals was anything but easy, with each match a testament to the high caliber of the participating teams.
But the icing on the cake? Katarina's outstanding performance throughout the season earned her the title of "Best Female Player in the League. 

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EJ Vondran takes win in Winter League in Germany

After two months of participating in the Winterliga ACL Circuit, EJ VonDran went first placed in the Winterliga Top 32 Bracket. Bracket play was best-of-3. He started the day 4-0, winning matches against Sebastian Weidemann and Thomas Pernack. His next opponent, ACL Pro and fellow Wicked Wood player Arno Simons, proved to be a serious challenge. Arno recorded a 21-2 victory against EJ in Game 1 and started Game 2 with a 7-0 lead. Fortunately for EJ, he managed to rally for a 21-12 victory. Arno again took the lead in Game 3, this time 15-5. However, EJ managed to average 10 PPR the rest of the game and come back for a 22-15 win.

EJ remained "hot" in his next few matches, winning both matches from Dirk Lutz. In the semifinals, he faced his ACL teammate Günni Reitz in two intense matches. Both players played very well and together provided 16 4-baggers. However, EJ managed to escape victorious and grab a place in the championship match.

Günni Reitz returned from the loser's round for a rematch in the championship match. EJ trailed 16-2, requiring another rally. Averaging 10.5 PPR throughout the rest of the match, EJ was again able to complete a remarkable rally and earn a 23-19 victory.

EJ expresses his sincere thanks to all participants of this circuit and a special thanks to Thomas Pernack for coordinating these excellent events.


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