4 tips for choosing the right Cornhole set

4 tips for choosing the right Cornhole set

AllCornhole: America's largest Cornhole brand Reading 4 tips om de juiste Cornhole set te kiezen 3 minutes Next Cornhole Game Rules & Variants
You've seen Cornhole once on a video or Youtube, or maybe played once at a neighbor's yard. And now you'd like a set yourself. But what should you choose? There are now quite a few suppliers and everything looks quite similar. Yet this is by no means always the case! We try to help you with a few handy tips.

Wicked Wood Cornhole Set
(ACL Rec - Recreational set)

Tip1: Look carefully at the thickness of the board and frame

First, it is important to look carefully at the thickness of the board. Boards are already offered from just a few millimeters thick. The thinner the board, the more the pockets go and the board will bounce. Ideally, you want as thick a top layer as possible. Of course, the thicker, the more expensive. Our tip: Always go for a board at least 10mm thick, less we strongly advise against.

At Wicked Wood, the thicknesses are as follows:

- Recreational boards: 10mm
- Competition boards: 15mm
- Professional boards: 18mm

ACL Pro Set

Tip 2: Always check that you have the right dimensions
You can easily find the official dimensions of the ACL, the largest organization in the sport, here. Boards need approximately a size of 120cm x 60cm for the competition version. There are also 90x60cm boards offered, also by Wicked Wood, these are mainly easier to carry but do not meet the competition requirements.

If you want to play real matches, always go for the 120x60cm version. But also check carefully, for example, that the back of the board, when unfolded, is at the right height.

Tip 3: Examine whether the right material is being used
The best material for Cornhole boards is birch. And preferably Baltic birch. This makes for the most stable boards. Professional Cornhole sets are therefore always made of this type of wood.
So especially don't go for a set made of aluminum or plastic. But also check carefully that a cheaper type of wood has not been used. This will cause the set to play less finely and not last as long.

Tip 4: Consider which set suits you.

At Wicked Wood, we offer three different standards:

ACL Rec - Recreational sets, for the recreational player
ACL Comp - Competition sets for players who really want to play to all the official standards
ACL Pro - Professional sets, exactly as you know them from TV. All professionals play on these

The difference is in the thickness of the wood, the finish of the wood and the varnish layer. Here is a list of the differences:
ACL Rec - 10mm thick, straight finished corners, 2 coats of varnish
ACL Comp - 15mm thick, round finished corners, 3 coats of varnish
ACL Pro - 18mm thick, round finished corners, 8 coats of varnish

So think carefully about what you want as a player and which set best suits that.
Not sure about your case? Drop us a line and we'll be happy to think with you!

All of Wicked Wood's set can be found here .

1 comment

Claus Schmieder

Claus Schmieder

Hi Cornholefreunde

Ich heisse Claus Schmieder und spiele aktiv beim TopCorn Rust Cornhole. Da war ich auch schon öfters ganz oben auf dem Treppchen mit unserem Team bei deutschen Meisterschaften.
Da ich jetzt aber nicht mehr dem DeCoV Vorstand angehöre und sich die Cornholegemeinde etwas spaltet, suche ich nach guten 1,20er Turnierbretter mit Folie.
Da hätte ich gerne zwei Bretter mit einem Druck nach Vorbild einer regionalen Brauerei ( www.hieronymus.beer )
Hintergrund in einer Bretteroptik, mittig groß das Brauereilogo bunt dazu auch ein Schriftzug.
Können ihr mir da mal ein Angebot machen?
Ich will diese Brauerei dann als Sponsor gewinnen für anstehende Turniere in Rust und als Werbebretter für unsere Vereins- und Jedermannsturniere.
Gruß Claus

Hi Cornholefreunde

Ich heisse Claus Schmieder und spiele aktiv beim TopCorn Rust Cornhole. Da war ich auch schon öfters ganz oben auf dem Treppchen mit unserem Team bei deutschen Meisterschaften.
Da ich jetzt aber nicht mehr dem DeCoV Vorstand angehöre und sich die Cornholegemeinde etwas spaltet, suche ich nach guten 1,20er Turnierbretter mit Folie.
Da hätte ich gerne zwei Bretter mit einem Druck nach Vorbild einer regionalen Brauerei ( www.hieronymus.beer )
Hintergrund in einer Bretteroptik, mittig groß das Brauereilogo bunt dazu auch ein Schriftzug.
Können ihr mir da mal ein Angebot machen?
Ich will diese Brauerei dann als Sponsor gewinnen für anstehende Turniere in Rust und als Werbebretter für unsere Vereins- und Jedermannsturniere.
Gruß Claus

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