In recent years, the game Cornhole has exploded in popularity in Europe. What began as a small game in the United States is now one of the most popular outdoor activities throughout Europe.

Cornhole is for all ages

Cornhole, also known as "Bean bag game" or "Bags," is a game in which players do their best to throw bags of corn kernels or plastic granules into a hole. The game requires minimal physical activity and is therefore suitable for players of all ages and fitness levels.

Cornhole is growing incredibly fast

The growth of Cornhole in Europe can mainly be attributed to the fact that it is an easy-to-learn game that can be played by anyone. Moreover, it is a fun way to spend time with friends and family outdoors.


There are many professional Cornhole tournaments in Europe today, with players from all over the world competing. This has resulted in an increasing popularity of the game among both professional players and amateur players.

Wicked Wood Games

With the rise of Cornhole as a popular sport in Europe, more and more people are also specializing in making Cornhole sets. Wicked Wood Games is the largest online seller of Cornhole products within Europe. Our sets are made from high-quality materials and are designed to give players the best possible gaming experience.

In summary, the growth of Cornhole in Europe is incredible. What began as a small game in the United States is now one of the most popular outdoor activities throughout Europe. The game is easy to learn, requires little physical activity and offers a fun way to spend time with friends and family. With the rise of professional Cornhole tournaments and its growing popularity among both professional players and amateurs, it is certain that Cornhole is here to stay in Europe and will continue to grow hard.

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