Cornhole is simply a game where you try to throw bags in a hole. However, there is much more to Cornhole than this simple description. That's why we will discuss the important facets of Cornhole so that after reading this blog you will be up to date on Cornhole!

Cornhole is simply a game where you try to throw bags into a hole. However, there is much more to Cornhole than this simple description. For that reason we will discuss the important aspects of Cornhole so that after reading this blog you will be completely up-to-date in the field of...

Anyone can win with Cornhole! One of the big advantages of cornhole is that it is extremely accessible. Almost everyone is able to throw a bag in or on a plate and that's what makes cornhole so competitive! Challenge your grandfather or grandmother, father or mother, brother or sister to a game cornhole and you'll be amazed how easily it's picked up. In short, a perfect game for everyone and in every environment.

There is nothing as annoying as playing pool against that one friend who taps one ball after the other far too professionally, or playing against that friend from the past who played table tennis for two years and now is hitting all the balls around your ears. Parlour games or sports are...

Play Coronaproof Cornhole , it's possible! With these 5 easy steps from Wicked Wood Games, you can play Cornhole without having to worry.

In the meantime most of the country is back home because of new corona measures. And what are you going to do all day, especially if you want to go outside in the weekend? Wicked Wood Games has the ideal solution for you. You can play Cornhole completely coronaproof! Follow the...

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